Church of Santa Caterina and Sanctuary of the Ecce Homo

The Church of S. Caterina d'Alessandria, with the annexed Diocesan Sanctuary of Ecce Homo, is located at the western end of the village on a small hill from which you can enjoy a splendid panorama overlooking both the coast and the valley of the S.Angelo stream. The church, of very ancient origins, has been embellished and adapted over the centuries. The structure with three naves marked by columns is to be placed before 1400. On the main altar there is the marble statue of the owner of the Gaginian area and there are many statues and paintings of artistic interest. Adjacent to the church is the Sanctuary of Ecce Homo, patron of the country. This chapel was built after the 1693 earthquake and is completely decorated with frescoes: on the vault you can see the representation of Christ who, with his blood, saves the souls of Purgatory. The statue kept there is the object of great veneration.
