Ethno-Anthropological Museum Sebastiano Franchina

Inside the Centro di Storia Patria dei Nebrodi of Tortorici, built in 1982 by Prof. Sebastiano Franchina, the Ethno-anthropological Museum named after him is housed, where work tools and products of the agro-pastoral culture of the Nebrodi are exposed: “u cintimulu , a kind of hand-operated domestic mill that was used to grind small quantities of cereals, the saraudda a sort of modern silos where the grain was kept, u scapulari , a kind of mantle made with worked drape in the paraturi or gualchiera and various tools for the processing of linen, including the loom for weaving linen. You can also admire works in clay stone, wood, wrought iron, copper, leather and bells cast from the XII century to today.
