Church of San Francesco - Castell'Umberto

Located in the district of the same name, the Church of San Francesco was presumably built in 1574, the year of the foundation of the Convent of the Friars Minor Conventual, annexed to the Church and of which today only a corridor remains. Restored in 1633 by Friar Bernardino of the company of Jesus, the Church is the perfect expression of spontaneous local architecture: built by local workers, there is a contrast between the simplicity of the linear and harmonious external facade and the decorative richness of the interior. The building, with a single nave, has a finely decorated portal surmounted by three windows. The interior of the Church has a single nave with a wooden ceiling decorated with floral motifs, in which four canvases depicting Giuditta, the Sacrifice of Isaac, the Baptism of Jesus and the Samaritan woman are set on the sides, in the center, a painting depicting the Resurrection of Christ. On the side walls there are numerous frescoes, some of which depict San Pietro, San Paolo and the life of Sant'Antonio. Of particular importance, the altar dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, dated 1752. After 1860, the rich library inside the Convent was unfortunately lost, which seems to have contained works of great value.
